Rallye Results
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Online general meeting
1st Tue, 04/01/2025 - 6:30p PT
A Periodic Rallye
1st Sat, 04/05/2025 - 11:00a PT
Online general meeting
1st Tue, 05/06/2025 - 6:30p PT

Check out our email announcement and discussion lists

(Numbered events are rallyes put on by TRC.  We include listings, results, or series such as for other rallye teams as a courtesy only.)

Click on event name to its results, if available. Some events have additional links as well.

Optional event icon links:    - flyer      - participants feedback survey.


#Date TypeEvent Name    Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
 454 02/01/2025 AB Life of Larry Rallye Cris Wendt & Dave Graubart 


#Date TypeEvent Name    Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
 453 12/07/2024 AB It's a Rallyeful Life Cris Wendt, Ken Johnson 
   11/16/2024 T&D Turkey Run Daniel HuckabayPCA-SVR
 452 11/02/2024 Los Angeles Election 2024 Frank Hays 
 451 10/05/2024 AB Clue Talk Like a Poirot Day Jeff Young 
   09/14/2024 T&D September Oddysey Rally Daniel HuckabayPCA-SVR
   07/20/2024 T&D Far West Camp Rally Richard Wetzel, Steve LongPCA-SVR
   06/08/2024 T&D Gold Country Rally Daniel HuckabayPCA-SVR
   05/25/2024 Monte Franz Valley Rally Jim RobisonPCA
   04/07/2024 AB 57th April Fools Rallye Bob JenkinsESCA
 450 04/06/2024 AB/QA An American Rallyist in Paris Matt Poppe 
   03/23/2024 T&D Spring Flowers Brad CallPCA-SVR
 449 02/03/2024 AB 42 Cris Wendt, Dave Graubart 


#Date TypeEvent Name    Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
 448 12/02/2023 QA Santa & the Naughty Children Frank Hays 
   11/18/2023 T&D The Turkey Run Darrel HuckabyPCA-SVR
 447 10/07/2023 AB Monster Mash 2023 Jeff Young 
 446 08/05/2023 AB The Princess Bride Cris Wendt, Dave Graubart 
 445 06/03/2023 QA King Kong Jr vs Godzilla Jr Frank Hays 
   05/27/2023 T&DFoothills and Back Road Rally Darrel HuckabyPCA-SVR
   05/20/2023 Monte Devil's Gulch 2023 Jim RobisonPCA-RR
   04/02/2023 AB 56th April Fool Bob JenkinsESCA
 444 04/01/2023 AB/QA
Fool Rallye Ken Johnson 
 443 03/04/2023 AB Rallye Noir Cris Wendt, Dave Graubart 


#Date TypeEvent Name    Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
 442 12/10/2022 AB
Rallyists in Toyland Dave Graubart, Ric Goldman 
   10/15/2022 T&D Thunder Road  InTRR
 441 10/08/2022 CM Jazz on the Rocks Ken Johnson 
   08/13/2022 T&D Twin Pine Jim RobisonPCA-RR
   07/16/2022 Classroom Summer Rally School Jim RobisonPCA-RR
   06/18/2022 T&D Mount Tam Jim RobnsonPCA-RR
 440 06/04/2022 AB/QA The Amazing Rallye 2022 Dave Graubart, Cris Wendt 
 439 03/26/2022 AB/QA
Press Your Luck Ken Johnson 
438 02/05/2022 AB/QA Carvid-22 Dave Graubart, Cris Wendt


 Date TypeEvent Name    Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
437 12/14/2021 AB
Toy Rallye 2021 Darin & Michelle McGrewGGLC
436 10/02/2021 AB Talk Like a Pirate! Eric Anderson
435 08/07/2021 AB Sixty Carat Caper
(John Kleder memorial rallye)
Eric Anderson, Dean Stanton
434 06/05/2021 AB/QA
The Office Ken Johnson
433 04/03/2021 AB/QA
Opening Day Dave Graubart, Cris Wendt
432 02/06/2021 AB/QA
Notes on a Car Rallye Ken Johnson


 Date TypeEvent Name    Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
431 12/12/2020 AB
Toy Rallye 2020 Dave Graubart
430 10/03/2020 AB/QA
Monster Mash 2020 Dave Graubart
429 08/01/2020 AB/QA
Many Happy Returns Dave Graubart
428 06/06/2020 AB
Rallye to the Far Side Dave Graubart
427 04/12/2020 Var
Another Meltdown Dave Graubart
426 02/01/2020 CM The Great Railroad Caper
(Bob Schott memorial rallye)
Dave Graubart, Cris Wendt


 Date TypeEvent Name    Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
425 12/07/2019 AB Toy Rallye 2019 Darin & Michelle McGrew GGLC
  11/17/2019 T&DThe Great 2019 Canyon Carving Rally BMW CCA
424 11/02/2019 CM The Maze
(Bill Jonesi memorial rallye)
Ed Slintak
423 08/03/2019 AB The Toy Story Rallye Dave Graubart
  06/23/2019 ABSolstice A-B Road Rally & Poker Run PCA-SVR
422 06/01/2019 AB One Thousand and One Nights Darin & Michelle McGrew
  04/07/2019 AB 55th April Fools Bob JenkinsESCA
421 02/02/2019 AB Dilbert Returns Dave Graubart, Cris Wendt


 Date TypeEvent Name    Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
420 12/01/2018 AB Toy Rallye 2018 Darin & Michelle McGrew GGLC
419 11/03/2018 CM Indecision 2018
(Teresa Stefanisko memorial rallye)
Abby Grossman, Dean Stanton
418 10/06/2018 CM Monster Mash John Kleder
417 07/07/2018 AB Incredi-Rallye Darin & Michelle McGrew
416 05/05/2018 CM Presidents' Day Dean Stanton
  04/08/2018 AB54th April Fools Bob JenkinsESCA
415 03/03/2018 CM SpyHunter Ken Schott


 Date TypeEvent Name    Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
414 12/02/2017 AB Toy Rallye 2017

Darin & Michelle McGrew GGLC
  10/14/2017 T&DCarrera Sierra & Golden West

  08/20/2017 T&DGold Country TSD Road Rally

  06/25/2017 T&DGetting Ready for Spokane

  05/07/2017 ABPCA SVR Gimmick Rally

  04/02/2017 AB53rd April Fools

Bob JenkinsESCA
413 02/04/2017 CM Rallyemon Go

Dave Graubart, Cris Wendt


 Date TypeEvent Name    Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
412 12/03/2016 AB Toy Rallye 2016 Darin & Michelle McGrew GGLC
411 10/01/2016 AB Monster University John Kleder SCCA
410 06/04/2016 AB And Baby Makes Three

Darin & Michelle McGrew
  04/03/2016 AB52nd April Fools

Bob JenkinsESCA
409 04/02/2016 CM Three Strikes & You're Out

Dave Moen & Keith Anderson
408 02/06/2016 CM RallyeBowl 50

Dave Graubart, Cris Wendt


 Date TypeEvent Name    Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
407 12/05/2015 AB Toy Rallye 2015 Darin & Michelle McGrew GGLC
406 11/07/2015 CM Scooby Doo Heather Mellows, Dean Stanton
405 06/06/2015 AB RoboRallye Darin & Michelle McGrew
  04/12/2015 AB51st April Fools Bob JenkinsESCA
404 04/04/2015 CM Hopping Down the Bunny Trail Dave Moen & Keith Anderson
403 02/07/2015 CM RallyeBowl XLIX Dave Graubart, Cris Wendt


 Date TypeEvent Name    Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
402 12/06/2014 AB The Toy Rallye Darin & Michelle McGrew GGLC
  08/02/2014 The Game Mel Nicholson
401 07/05/2014 CM The Amazing Rallye 9 Cris, John, & Steve
400 06/07/2014 CM Stuck in the 60s Rochelle & Don Bess
  06/01/2014 T&DGetting Ready for Monterey Rik Larson & Richard Wetzel PCA-SVR
399 05/03/2014 AB Mayday, Mayday Darin & Michelle McGrew
  04/06/2014 AB50th April Fools Bob JenkinsESCA
398 04/05/2014 CM Life is Full of Detours Dave Moen & Jim Davidson
397 03/01/2014 CM The Dog Run Mel Nicholson
396 02/01/2014 AB/QA The Road to Sochi Dave Graubart, Cris Wendt


 Date TypeEvent Name    Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
  2013 Championship Results and
   TRC 2013 Rallye Series
395 12/07/2013 AB The Toy Rallye Darin & Michelle McGrew GGLC
394 11/02/2013 CM The A Team Returns Again John Kleder
393 10/05/2013 CM The Raven Ed Slintak, Ray deBlieck
392 09/07/2013 AB/CM Firefly Darin & Michelle McGrew
391 07/06/2013 CM The Amazing Rallye 8 Dean Stanton
390 06/01/2013 AB Five Ringy Dingy Darin & Michelle McGrew
389 05/04/2013 AB Iron Man 3 John Kleder
  04/07/2013 AB 49th April Fools Bob Jenkins ESCA/EDTC
388 04/06/2013 CM Let's Three Peat Dave & Keith
387 03/02/2013 AB Spring Training 6 Bill Jonesi
386 02/02/2013 AB/QA Groundhog Day Dave Graubart, Cris Wendt


 Date TypeEvent Name    Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
385 12/01/2012 AB It's a Wonderful Rallye
   (see the charity's thank you letter)
Darin & Michelle McGrew GGLC
   11/03/2012 T&DWyle E Coyote II &
   Road Runner II
Bill Jonesi Paradox
384 10/06/2012 AB Ghostchasers
383 09/01/2012 CM No T in Rallye Teresa Stefanisko
  08/04/2012 CMTotal Rethrow Bill Jonesi Paradox
382 07/07/2012 CM Amazing Rallye 7 Teresa & Zak Stefanisko and
Jeffrey Martin
381 06/02/2012 CM Men in Black Darin & Michelle McGrew
  05/05/2012 CMSilicon Rallye Bill Jonesi Paradox
     AB 48th April Fools Bob Jenkins ESCA/EDTC
380 03/03/2012 CM Fu Fu Head Rallye Teresa Stefanisko
379 02/04/2012 CM RallyeBowl XLVI Cris Wendt, Dave Graubart


 Date TypeEvent Name    Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
378 12/03/2011 AB Toy Rallye '11, The Darin & Michelle McGrew GGLC
377 11/05/2011 CM Stormchaser Rallye Mel Nicholson
  10/15/2011 CMMonster Mash 11 Bill Jonesi Paradox
376 10/01/2011 CM Angry Bird, The Ed Slintak, Ray deBlieck
375 09/03/2011 CM Pokemon: Black and White Teresa & Zak Stefanisko
  08/06/2011 CMBig Bang, The Bill Jonesi Paradox
374 07/02/2011 CM Amazing Rallye VI, The Teresa Stefanisko, Trevor & Kim Graham,
Jeffery Martin
373 06/04/2011 AB X-Men: First Rallye Darin McGrew
372 05/07/2011 CM The Maze IX Bill Jonesi Paradox
  04/03/2011 47th April Fools Bob Jenkins ESCA
371 04/02/2011 CM Go For Two Dave Moen, Keith Anderson
370 03/05/2011 CM Zombieland Ozan Demirlioglu
369 02/05/2011 CM Over The Hill Dave Graubart, Cris Wendt


 Date TypeEvent Name Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
368 12/04/2010 AB Toy Rallye '10, The Darin McGrew GGLC
  11/06/2010 CM Spiderman  Ted Boet EDTC
   10/16/2010 ABMonster Mash '10 Bill Jonesi Paradox
367 10/02/2010 CM Going Postal Ed Slintak, Ray deBlieck
   09/18/2010 T&DCarrera De Sierra Rik Larson & Richard Wetzel PCA-SVR
  09/18/2010 CM Quantum of Solace Jeff Lee EDTC
366 09/04/2010 CMBest of the Stefaniskos Teresa & Nick Stefanisko
365 08/07/2010 AB A-B Sea VoyageRallye
(Return of Redbeard rethrow)
Dean Stanton
364 07/03/2010 CM Amazing Rallye V, The Teresa Stefanisko,...
363 06/05/2010 AB A-B Team Rallye Darin McGrew
  05/15/2010 CM Pirates of the Carribean  Lloyd & Janice Hill EDTC
  05/01/2010 CM Adventures of Sherlock Holmes  Ted Boet EDTC
     T&DCrab Legs Rik Larson & Richard Wetzel PCA-SVR
362 04/03/2010 CM Nice Kind Gentle, Fluffy, Easy & Fun Bunny Rallye, The Dave Moen, Keith Anderson
  03/28/2010 AB 46th April's Fool Bob Jenkins ESCA
361 03/06/2010 CM Lilo and Stitch Teresa & Nick Stefanisko
  02/20/2010 CM George's 278th Birthday    EDTC
360 02/06/2010 CM We're Off to See the Wizard Dave Graubart, Cris Wendt


 Date TypeEvent Name Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
359 12/06/2009 AB Toy Rallye '09, The Darin McGrew GGLC
358 11/07/2009 CM Things That Go Bump In The Night  Ted Boet EDTC
357 10/03/2009 CM Animal House Ed Slintak, Ray deBlieck
356 09/05/2009 CM Fall Rush Teresa & Nick Stefanisko
355 08/01/2009 CM Totally 80's Rallye, The Kim & Trevor Graham
  07/11/2009 CM Elvis Lives EDTC
   06/20/2009 T&DFree Rallye J. Toney PCA-SVR
354 06/06/2009 CMAmazing Rallye IV, The Teresa Stefanisko, Kim & Trevor Graham,
Abby Grossman, Dave Fladlien,
Cyndel Podich, Gary Watson
353 05/02/2009 CM Mother of all Rallyes Dave Moen, Keith Anderson
352 04/04/2009 CM 45th April's Fool Ted Boet EDTC
351 03/07/2009 CM March Madness Karen Cate, Greg Wong
350 02/07/2009 CM Meltdown Dave Graubart, Cris Wendt


01/03/2009 CM Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Rallye (HP4) Steve Crounse & Chris Davidson


 Date TypeEvent Name Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
  TRC 2008 Rallye Series standings:
   Upper division  Lower division
348 12/06/2008 AB/QA Rerail Santa (Toy Rallye '08) Ed Slintak, Ray deBlieck GGLC
347 11/01/2008 CM Indecision 2008 Teresa & Nick Stefanisko
346 10/04/2008 CM Monster M*A*S*H Darin & Michelle McGrew
   09/20/2008 PhotoEvery Picture Tells a Story Jeff Trimble Fiat America
345 09/06/2008 CM Drive for Show Rallye for Dough Dave Moen, Keith Anderson
344 08/02/2008 CM Get Smart Karen Cate, Greg Wong
343 07/05/2008 CM Amazing Rallye III, The Teresa Stefanisko, Kim & Trevor Graham,
Abby Grossman, Dave Fladlien,
Cyndel Podich, Gary Watson
342 06/07/2008 AB/CM June Bride 2: Tropical Honeymoon Darin McGrew,
341 05/03/2008 CM Dilbert - The Rallye
(Calvin & Hobbes rethrow)
Cris Wendt
   04/06/2008 AB44th April Fools Bob Jenkins ESCA
340 04/05/2008 CM Three Strikes and "You're Out" Dave Moen, Keith Anderson
339 03/01/2008 CM Tourist Trap Teresa & Nick Stefanisko
338 02/02/2008 CM 24 Dave Graubart, Cris Wendt
337 01/05/2008 AB/CM Happy Birthday, Louis Braille Darin & Michelle McGrew


 Date TypeEvent Name Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
  TRC 2007 Rallye Series final results:
   Upper division  Lower division
336 12/02/2007 AB/QA Toy Rallye '07, The Bob & Ken Schott GGLC/SCCA
335 11/03/2007 CMDeal or No Deal Teresa Stefanisko
334 10/06/2007 CM Monster Mash '07
(MM 91 rethrow) (internal statistics)
Dean Stanton
333 09/01/2007 CM Courting Disaster Dave Fladlien
332 08/04/2007 CM Talladega Nights Karen Cate, Greg Wong
331 07/07/2007 CM Amazing Rallye II (Blazing 7s), The Teresa Stefanisko, Dave Moen,
Keith Anderson, Abby Grossman,
Darin McGrew, Susan Paglianti
330 06/02/2007 AB/CM/QA Alphabet Soup Darin McGrew
329 05/05/2007 CM Great Railroad Caper Bob & Ken Schott
328 04/07/2007 CMThree Strikes and "You're Out" Dave Moen, Keith Anderson
   04/04/2007 AB43rd April Fools Bob Jenkins ESCA
327 03/03/2007 CMSurvivor: Silicon Valley Teresa & Nick Stefanisko
326 02/03/2007 CMVista 2007 The Rallye Dave Graubart, Cris Wendt
325 01/06/2007 CM Maze VIII, The
(Stick Shift II rethrow)
Bill Jonesi


 Date TypeEvent Name Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
  TRC 2006 Rallye Series final results:
   Upper division and Lower division
324 12/03/2006 AB/QA

Toy Rallye '06, The

Bob & Ken Schott GGLC/SCCA
323 12/02/2006 CMMonty Python's Flying Rallye
(MM '88 rethrow)
Karen Cate, Greg Wong
322 11/04/2006 ABFour Ringy Dingy Darin McGrew
321 10/07/2006 CMMonster Mash The Musical Teresa & Nick Stefanisko
320 09/02/2006 ABSchool Daze Fall '06
(Ski Bear rethrow)
Steve Watt
319 08/05/2006 CM Summertime Blues
(Horny Shamrock rethrow)
Dean Stanton, Darin McGrew
318 07/01/2006 CM Amazing Rallye, The Teresa Stefanisko, Darin McGrew,
Adam & Beth Riggs, Brian Underwood,
Abby Grossman, Mike Hsu, Doris Fung
317 06/03/2006 ABKnights of the Route Table Adam & Beth Riggs, Brian Underwood
316 05/06/2006 CMRallye Impossible: III
(Max Scoresheet rethrow)
Bill Jonesi, Cris Wendt
   05/04/2006 TSDMonteMadness Bill Jonesi  
   04/02/2006 AB42nd April Fools Bob Jenkis ESCA
315 04/01/2006 CMSouth Park April Fools Teresa & Nick Stefanisko
314 03/04/2006 CMSpy Hunter Bob & Ken Schott
313 02/04/2006 CMTRC Turns Twenty-Five Dave Graubart, Cris Wendt
312 01/07/2006 CMRallye Academy Bob Schott, TRC Board


 Date TypeEvent Name Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
  TRC 2005 Rallye Series  
311 12/04/2005 AB/QA Toy Rallye '05, The Bob & Ken Schott GGLC/SCCA
310 12/03/2005 CMVoldermart Return of Dark Mark (HP3) Teresa & Nick Stefanisko
309 11/05/2005 CMThree Ringy Dingy Darin McGrew
   10/20/2005 MonteMoonlight Monte Carlo '05   PCA-GGR
308 10/01/2005 CM Monster Mash '05 John Mirassou
  09/10/2005 T&D Targa Times Jeff Trimble SCCA-SFR &
Fiat America
307 09/03/2005 CMA Series of Unfortunate Events
(Generic Rallye rethrow)
Ric Goldman, Bill Jonesi
306 08/20/2005 CM Fantastic Rallye 4 John Fabela
305 08/06/2005 Var Hitchhiker's Guide to Galaxy
(HHG4 rethrow)
Bob & Ken Schott
304 07/02/2005 CMCar Wars III: Revenge of the SI
Bill Jonesi, Ric Goldman
   06/18/2005 T&DSummer Soltstice '05 Jim Cooper PCA-YR
   06/11/2005 T&DBishop Entry Marv Altman SCCA-SFR
303 06/04/2005 CM64K Rallye Adam & Beth Riggs, Brian Underwood
   05/14/2005 T&DSpring Flowers '05 Phillip Marks, Rik Larson SVR
302 05/07/2005 CM Alice's Adventures in Rallyeland 3
(Alice 1 rethrow)
Bob Schott
  04/03/2005 41th April Fools Rallye Bob Jenkins ESCA
301 04/02/2005 CM Common Sense Teresa & Nick Stefanisko
   03/12/2005 T&DRiver Road Rik Larson SVR
300 03/05/2005 CM Prisoner, The (2) (and some pictures) Ken Schott
299 02/19/2005 T&D/T February Frolic '05 Bill Jonesi PCA
298 02/05/2005 CMTRC Begins Year 25
   (see the checkpoint and Finish pictures)

Cris Wendt
   01/03/2005 QAWinter Solstice

Bill Jonesi Paradox


 Date TypeEvent Name Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
  2004 Rallye Standings as rated by the contestants
  2004 Summer TRC Championship results:
   lower & upper divisions
297 12/05/2004 ABToy Rallye 2004 Darin McGrew GGLC/SFR-SCCA
296 12/04/2004 CMCritter Chaos Adam & Beth Riggs, Brian Underwood
  11/20/2004 CMTurkey Trails Paradox
295 11/06/2004 CMDyslexia Teresa & Nick Stefanisko
   10/15/2004  US Road Rallye '04   SCCA
   10/09/2004 MonteMoonlight Monte Carlo '04   PCA-GGR
   10/02/2004 T&DCoyote Run IV Larry & Greg Adams PCA-GGR
294 10/02/2004 CMMonstah Mash '04
(see the after rallye post mortem
and pictures of the winners)
Cris Wendt
   09/25/2004 T&DEureka   SMC/PCA-SGV
   09/18/2004 T&DSouthern Sonoma Doris Fung BMA-CCA
   09/18/2004 T&DCarrera de Sierra XXVII Rik Larson PCA-SVR
293 09/04/2004 CMMystery! Murder at Norman Mansion
(Mystery rethrow)
(See the after rallye post mortem)
Bob Schott
   08/21/2004 T&DRidge Runner 1 Ron Boeck PCA-SVR
   08/08/2004 T&DWest Marin Doris Fung BMW-CCA
292 08/07/2004 CMAnger Management! Jeff Trimble, TRC Board
291 07/17/2004 Monte Golden West 2004 Pete Soper, Bill Jonesi SCCA-SFR
  07/03/2004 CMThe Suppranos Paradox
   06/26/2004 T&DSummer Solstice '04 Jim Cooper PCA-YR
290 06/05/2004 CMBest in Show Don & Rochelle Bess
289 05/01/2004 CMStarsky & Hutch
(S&H rethrow)
Bill Jonesi Striped Tomoto
  04/04/2004   40th April Fools Rallye   ESCA
288 04/03/2004 CMClue Rallye Teresa & Nick Stefanisko
   03/21/2004  Great Search 6 - Kid's Rallye   PCA-SVR
287 03/06/2004 CMSpring Break Darin McGrew
286 02/21/2004 T&D February Frolic '04 Bill Jonesi PCA
285 02/07/2004 CMReturn to Middle Earth
(Rallye to... rethrow)
 Abby Grossman
284 01/03/2004   Winter Solstice '04


Bill Jonesi Paradox


 Date TypeEvent Name Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
  2003 Rallye Standings as rated by the contestants
283 12/07/2003 AB Toy Rallye '03, The Jeff Trimble GGLC
282 12/06/2003 ?Car Drek Enterprise
281 11/01/2003 CM Two Ringy Dingy Darin McGrew
280 10/04/2003 CMMonster Mash '03
(Horny rethrow)
Teresa & Nick Stefanisko
   09/06/2003 T&D Coyote Run III

Larry& Greg Adams PCA-GGR
279 09/06/2003 AB/QA Harry Potter and the Order of the Precedence
(Bisontenniel rethrow)
Dave Graubart
278 08/24/2003 T&DHill & Valley Rallye '03 Stu Helfer, Bill Jonesi SCCA-SFR
277 08/23/2003 CM Lunacy (Oakland) Stu Helfer, Pete Soper
276 08/02/2003 CMItalian Rob, The Jeff Trimble
  07/05/2003   Marker Reloaded Bill Jonesi Paradox
275 06/07/2003 CMOut of Towners, The
(Twilight Zone rethrow)
Don & Rochelle Bess
274 05/03/2003 CMMayday, Mayday... Darin McGrew
  04/13/2003 SCCAtAftershock '0.3 - SCCA Natl Tour Pete Soper SCCA-OR
  04/12/2003 SCCAcEarthquake '03 - SCCA Natl Course Bill Jonesi SCCA-OR
273 04/05/2003 CMSNAFU Teresa & Nick Stefanisko
272 03/01/2003 ABRallye School: Winter '03
(see BABR covered pictures)
Steve Watt
271 02/01/2003 CMRallye Bowl XXXVII Cris Wendt


 Date TypeEvent Name Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
  2002 NCSCC Rallye ratings
270 12/01/2002 ABToy Rallye '02, The Bill Jonesi GGLC
269 11/02/2002 CMOne Ringy Dingy Darin McGrew
268 10/05/2002 CMMonster Mash '02
(MM '84 rethrow)
Abby Grossman, Bill Jonesi
267 08/03/2002 CMCar Wars II
(Centennial rethrow)
John Mirassou
266.5 07/07/2002 PanAmMonte Car-quinez
(Moon Over Mart. rethrow)
Pete Soper, Bill Jonesi Subaru
266 07/06/2002 CMVolcano Willie Lynch, Bill Jonesi
265 06/01/2002 CMJune Bride
(OMTR rethrow)
Darin McGrew, Bill Jonesi
264 05/04/2002 CMCheshire CM, The Jeff Trimble
263 04/06/2002 CMRallyemaster Down
(2010 rethrow)
Cris Wendt
262 03/02/2002 CMSpring Training V
(YIJ rethrow)
Bill Jonesi
261 02/02/2002 QA21st Birthday Rallye
(RoboCP2 rethrow)
Steve Watt, Bill Jonesi


 Date TypeEvent Name Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
260 11/03/2001 ABRolling Blackout
(Zonc RS rethrow)
Bill Jonesi, Willie Lynch
259 10/20/2001 CMMonster Mash '01
(MM '94 rethrow)
Bill Jonesi, Abby Grossman
258 08/04/2001 CM/QAMummy 2
(MM '92 rethrow)
Bill Jonesi, Steve Watt
257 06/02/2001 ABDon't Panic!
(MM '95 rethrow)
Randy Hendry
256 05/05/2001 ABSchools On Steve Watt
255 04/22/2001 T&DHill & Valley Rallye '01 Bill Jonesi BMW CCA
254 04/07/2001 ABTwister Willie Lynch
253 03/03/2001 CMMarch Hare (2) Jeff Trimble
252 02/03/2001 AB-CF20th Birthday Rallye
(EYKIW rethrow)
Steve Watt, Bill Jonesi


 Date TypeEvent Name Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
251 11/04/2000 PanAmMoon Over Martinez Pete Soper, Bill Jonesi
250 10/07/2000 ABMonster Mash '00 Jeff Trimble FTC
249 08/05/2000 CMRallye: Impossible 2
(Rallye: Impossible rethrow)
Bill Jonesi FTC
248 06/03/2000 AB/CMWatt's Opp.DOC Steve Watt FTC
247 05/06/2000 ABX-Y Files, The Bill Jonesi FTC
246 04/01/2000 CMWhat Fools Believe Randy Hendry FTC
245 03/04/2000 AB-CFSpring Training IV(The Quest rethrow) Willie Lynch, Bill Jonesi FTC
244 02/05/2000 CMRallye Raider Jeff Trimble FTC


 Date TypeEvent Name Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor


QA Rallye to the Far Side (V)
Dave Graubart
242 11/06/1999 QATurkeys in Wonderland
(Luck of... rethrow)
Steve Watt, Bill Jonesi FTC


 Date TypeEvent Name Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
241 10/03/1998 CMMonster Mash '98 Bob Neilsen
240 09/12/1998 CMFull Monty Python, The Rich & Doug Slusher
239 08/01/1998 CMBlack Hole, The Bob Neilsen
238 06/06/1998 AB/QAJim's Gems Randy Hendry
237 05/25/1998 SCCAtAftershock '98 - SCCA Natl Tour J Toney SCCA-ABR
236 05/24/1998 SCCActEarthquake '98 - SCCA Natl Dual Bill Jonesi SCCA-ABR
235 05/23/1998 SCCActTremors '98 - SCCA Natl Dual Derf Nation SCCA-ABR
234 05/09/1998 CMTitanic Bob Neilsen
233 04/04/1998 AB/QARallye Noir Cris Wendt
232 03/07/1998 CMI Spy I Bob Neilsen
231 02/07/1998 AB/QADilbert's Back (II) Dave Graubart
230 01/25/1998 T&DSuper Bowl Rallye XII Willie Lynch
229 01/03/1998 CMWinter Solstice
(Summer Solstice rethrow)
Bill Jonesi


 Date TypeEvent Name Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
228 12/06/1997 CMRallyesoft Version 1.0 Rich & Doug Slusher
227 11/09/1997 PanAmPrieta Prix XXVIII Bill Jonesi PCA-LPR
226 11/01/1997 T&DSmoke IV (Regulatity Run) Willie Lynch, Bill Jonesi
225 10/04/1997 CMMonster Mash '97 Bob Neilsen
224 08/02/1997 CMPrivate Parts Bob Neilsen
223 06/21/1997 CMLet's Party!
(Summer School III rethrow)
Bill Jonesi
222 05/03/1997 PanAmPre Prix Tim Errington PCA-LPR
221 04/05/1997 CMX-Files, The
(Rallye to Middle Earth rethrow)
Cris Wendt
220 03/01/1997 QAMarch Hare Jeff Trimble (Jonesi,Wendt)
219 02/01/1997 AB/QAGroundhog Day Dave Graubart
218 01/26/1997 T&D/TSuper Bowl Rallye XI Bill Jonesi


 Date TypeEvent Name Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
217 12/07/1996 CMRallye: Impossible Bill Jonesi
216 11/02/1996 T&DSmoke III Willie Lynch
215 11/02/1996 T&D/TDon't Inhale Stu Helfer
214 10/05/1996 AB/QAMonster Mash '96
(MM '93 rethrow)
Bill Jonesi
213 09/07/1996 T&DStraight Path, The (Stick map) Willie Lynch
212 04/06/1996 H&HReturn of Wallye Wabbit Bill Jonesi
211 02/03/1996 AB/QADilbert Rallye, The Dave Graubart
210 01/28/1996 T&D/TSuper Bowl Rallye X Bill Jonesi


 Date TypeEvent Name Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
209 11/04/1995 T&DFound - T & D Rallye Stu Helfer BAMA
208 11/04/1995 PanAmLost - Pan Am Rallye School Dave Graubart BAMA
207 10/07/1995 ABMonster Mash '95
(End Decade rethrow)
Steve Beuerman
206 08/05/1995 T&DTimed Rallye School II Steve Beuerman BAMA
205 08/05/1995 T&DSmoke II Willie Lynch BAMA
204 07/04/1995 PhotoFirecracker Foto X Jeff Trimble
203 06/03/1995 QARallye Improvement
(Luck of Irish rethrow)
Mark Robichek, Bill Jonesi
202 05/06/1995 CMCar Drek Voyager Bill Jonesi ZONC
201 04/01/1995 CMUp Shift Creek Jeff Trimble
200 03/04/1995 AB/QABisontennial (Far Side IV) Dave Graubart
199 02/04/1995 AB/QACyber Rallye Cris Wendt
198 01/29/1995 T&D/TSuper Bowl Rallye IX Bill Jonesi


 Date TypeEvent Name Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
197 12/03/1994 ABYule Be Surprised (Maze V rethrow) Bill Jonesi
196 11/05/1994 T&DSmoke Willie Lynch
195 11/05/1994 T&DFire II Dave Graubart
194 08/06/1994 CMSummer School VII (Kindergarten CP) Rich Berlin
193 07/04/1994 PhotoFirecracker Foto IX Jeff Trimble
192 06/04/1994 CMBeavis and Butthead Jeff Trimble
191 05/07/1994 T&DTimed Rallye School I Steve Beuerman
190 04/02/1994 AB/QARallye to Lillehammer Dave Graubart
189 03/05/1994 PCBear Left Stu Helfer
188 02/05/1994 AB/QAWhere In Time..Carmen San Diego? Cris Wendt
187 01/30/1994 T&D/TSuper Bowl Rallye VIII Bill Jonesi
186 01/08/1994 T&DBetter Than Life Jeff Trimble


 Date TypeEvent Name Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
185 12/04/1993 CMAnother Mystery Rallye (2) Bob Schott, Steve Beuerman
184 11/06/1993 T&DEverything You Know Is Wrong Still Ritch Webb
183 08/07/1993 ABSummer School VI (Ski Bear Rallye) John Willmore
182 07/03/1993 T&DFirecracker Foto VIII Stu Helfer
181 06/05/1993 AB/QAMiddleaged Mutant RMs III Jeff Trimble
180 04/03/1993 AB/QAFar Side Rallye III, The Dave Graubart
179 02/06/1993 AB/QAAround World in 80 Gimmicks Cris Wendt
178 01/02/1993 T&DNupe-It Jeff Trimble


 Date TypeEvent Name Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
177 12/05/1992 CMMystery Steve Beuerman, Bob Schott
176 11/07/1992 CMYet One Moore Turkey Rallye Chris Moore
175 10/03/1992 CMWhatsamatta Rallye Abby Grossman
174 09/18/1992 T&D/TEverything You Know Is Still Wrong Stu Helfer ARL
173 09/12/1992 CMSummer School V (Gimmick Rallye I) Alan Bell
172 05/02/1992 ABMaze VI (Maze IV rethrow) John Willmore, Rich Webb
171 04/04/1992 AB/QAMany Happy Returns Dave Graubart, Alan Gershanov
170 03/07/1992 CMSpring Training III John Kleder
169 02/01/1992 CMMurphy's Rallye Cris Wendt
168 01/04/1992 CM/QAJayTee's Big Adventure Jeff Trimble


 Date TypeEvent Name Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
167 12/07/1991 CMEverything You Think You... Alan Bell
166 11/02/1991 CMMonster Mash '91 Mark Robichek
165 10/05/1991 QABill & Jeff's Bogus Rallye Jeff Trimble, Bill Jonesi
164 09/21/1991 AB/CMGold Rush '91 Steve Beuerman
163 09/07/1991 CMExpose Yourself to Rallying John Willmore, Rich Webb
162 08/10/1991 PanAmEvening in Monte Carlo, An Paul Traina
161 08/03/1991 CMMoose Haven Cris Wendt
160 07/06/1991 CMBasic Rallying 101 Abby Grossman
159 07/04/1991 PhotoFirecracker Foto VII Jeff Trimble
158 06/15/1991 PCDouble Clutch II Steve Beuerman
157 05/18/1991 CMOrder & Kaos Nevin & Corey
156 05/04/1991 CMGreat Train Robbery II
(Great Train rethrow)
John Willmore, Rich Webb
155 04/14/1991 PCHistoric Event Jeff Trimble MG
154 04/06/1991 CMMonopoly Cris Wendt
153 03/02/1991 AB/CMDick Tracy Mitch & Corey
152 02/09/1991 T&DRecycler Steve Beuerman
151 02/02/1991 ABBirthday Party Dave Graubart
150 01/27/1991 T&DSuper Bowl Rallye VI Mike Machado, Patti Machado
149 01/05/1991 QAFawlty Rallye Jeff Trimble


 Date TypeEvent Name Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
148 12/01/1990 CMProcrastinating Again Steve Beuerman
147 11/03/1990 CMClue Mike Machado
146.5 11/03/1990 T&DGeo Braille Rallye Bill Jonesi ZONC
146 10/20/1990 CMMonster Mash '90 Mark Robichek
145 10/06/1990 CMRallye to Middle Earth Abby Grossman
144 09/15/1990 QAMiddleaged Mutant Rallyemasters Jeff Trimble
143 09/08/1990 CMSeven R/I Solution, The Tod Wicks
142 09/01/1990 QASports Car Olympics Jeff Trimble NCSCC
141 08/25/1990 T&DHoneymooners, The Mike Machado
140 07/07/1990 CMSummer School IV (Summer Solstice) Willie Lynch
139 06/09/1990 VarFirst Annual Jensen Motorcar Run Paul Rollins Jensen
138 06/02/1990 CMRallye Day '90: Stick Shift II Jeff Lee, Bill Jonesi ZONC
137 06/02/1990 T&DRallye Day '90: Double Clutch Steve Beuerman ZONC
136 05/05/1990 CMThru the Looking-Glass (Alice II) Rich Berlin
135 04/28/1990 T&DMidnight Sun II Emile Houle TTSCC
134 04/07/1990 CMRallye from Hell, The Cris Wendt
133 03/03/1990 CMSpring Training II Don Couch
132 02/03/1990 CMReturn to the Far Side (II) Dave Graubart
131 01/06/1990 CMSo Long & Thanks for the Fish (HHG3) Jeff Trimble


 Date TypeEvent Name Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
130 12/02/1989 ABRallye at End of Decade (HHG2) Steve Beuerman
129 11/04/1989 CMTime Management Mike Machado, Patti Machado
128 10/21/1989 CMMonster Mash '89 Mark Robichek
127 10/07/1989 CMTRC Enquirer, The Jeff Trimble
126 09/09/1989 CMRallye to the Twilight Zone Cris Wendt
125 08/20/1989 AB/CMGold Rush '89 Bob Schott, Don Couch
124 07/04/1989 PhotoFirecracker Foto VI Jeff Trimble 2nd Gen
123 07/01/1989 CMSummer School III (Let's Party) Willie Lynch
122 06/03/1989 CMDéjà Vu
(Rallye of Doom rethrow)
Bill Jonesi
121 05/29/1989 SCCAtAftershock 0.7 - SCCA Div Jerry Stalder SCCA-ABR
120 05/28/1989 SCCAcEarthquake 7.0 - SCCA Natl Steve B500Beuerman SCCA-ABR
119 05/27/1989 SCCAcTremors 0.07 - SCCA Div Stu Helfer SCCA-ABR
118 05/06/1989 CMHappy Trails II Jeff Trimble
117 04/01/1989 CMAlice's Adventures in Rallyeland Rich Berlin
116 03/05/1989 CMSpring Training Abby Grossman, Don Couch
115 02/03/1989 CMRead My Lips Dave Graubart
114 01/07/1989 CMSchool Daze Bob Schott


 Date TypeEvent Name Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
113 12/03/1988 CMFish Named Willie, A Jeff Trimble
112 11/19/1988 CMWho Framed Wallye Wabbit Bill Jonesi ZONC
111 11/05/1988 CMRallye to the White House Abby Grossman
110 10/28/1988 CMMonster Mash '88 Mark Robichek
109 10/22/1988 T&DCar Trek - Next Generation Dave Graubart
108 10/01/1988 CMTail of Two Kittys, The Jeff Trimble
107 09/10/1988 CMAre You Superstitious Cris Wendt
106 08/20/1988 T&DFire Country Willie Lynch
105 07/04/1988 PhotoFirecracker Foto V Mark Oldham 2nd Gen
104 07/02/1988 CMSummer School II TRC Board
103 06/25/1988 CMOld Timer's Disease Jeff Trimble
102 06/12/1988 T&DPound and a Half, A Stu Helfer ZONC
101 06/04/1988 CMCalvin and Hobbes Frank Wirsch
100 05/07/1988 CMCentennial TRC Board
99 04/23/1988 CMHappy Trails Jeff Trimble
98 04/02/1988 AB-CFRallye Day '88: Sidetracked Bob Schott
97 04/02/1988 T&D/TRallye Day '88: Enlightened Steve Beuerman
96 03/05/1988 QAQuestions Without Answers Mike Machado
95 02/06/1988 CMCalgary Rallye, The Dave Graubart
94 01/02/1988 AB-CFEverything You Know Is Wrong Steve Beuerman


 Date TypeEvent Name Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
93 12/05/1987 CMSilicon Valley Days Cris Wendt
92 11/07/1987 CMInstitutionalized Jeff Trimble
91 10/30/1987 CMMonster Mash '87 Mark Robichek
90 10/03/1987 ABMaze V, The (Turkey Tracks rethrow) Bill Jonesi
89 09/12/1987 AB-CFQuest, The Bob Schott
88 08/01/1987 AB-CFRallye Day '87: City Lights Larry Friedrich
87 08/01/1987 PanAmRallye Day '87: Mountains Near Frank Wirsch
86 06/13/1987 MonteFire Dave Graubart
85 06/06/1987 CMS.N.A.F.U. Frank wirsch
84 05/17/1987 SCCAtAftershock 0.6 - SCCA Div Jerry Stalder SCCA-ABR/Fiat
83 05/16/1987 SCCAtEarthquake 6.0 - SCCA Natl Mark Oldham SCCA-ABR/Fiat
82 04/11/1987 MonteShake, Rallye & Roll Mark Robichek
81 04/04/1987 CMPinball Wizard Bob Hirsch
80 03/14/1987 MonteTrouble with Trembles Stu Helfer
79 02/07/1987 CMRallye to the Far Side (I) Dave Graubart
78 01/03/1987 CMGreat Train Robbery, The Steve Ferguson


 Date TypeEvent Name Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
77 12/06/1986 CMPsycho IV Larry Friedrich
76 10/24/1986 CMMonster Mash '86 Mark Robichek
75 10/18/1986 T&D/TRed Route Bill Jonesi ZONC
74 10/04/1986 ABReturn of Redbeard Bob Schott
73 09/20/1986 T&D/TOrange Route Bill Jonesi, Mark Oldham ZONC
72 08/16/1986 T&D/TYellow Route Bill Jonesi, Stu Helfer ZONC
71 08/02/1986 CMLost in the Ozone Dave Kumpf
70 07/05/1986 CMSummer School I Chris Moore
69 07/04/1986 PhotoFirecracker Foto IV Mark Oldham
68 06/15/1986 AB/CMGold Rush '86 Bob Schott
67 06/07/1986 CMJune Swoon Larry Friedrich
66 05/03/1986 CMDown and Out in Los Altos Hills Frank Wirsch
65 04/05/1986 CMNight Driver II Stu Helfer
64 03/01/1986 CMWelcome to Wonka Land Todd Walker
63 02/01/1986 CMRallye of the Nile, The Dave Graubart
62 01/26/1986 VarSuper Bowl Rallye IV Frank Wirsch
61 01/04/1986 ABHitchhiker's Guide to Rallying (HHG1) Bob Schott


 Date TypeEvent Name Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
60 12/07/1985 CMNight to Remember, A Brian Finney, Steve Berger
59 11/02/1985 CMMad Max Beyond Rallyedome John Fabela
58 10/25/1985 CMMonster Mash '85 Mark Robichek
57 10/13/1985 T&DAre We Having Fun Yet? Stu Helfer
56 10/05/1985 CMGeneric Rallye, The TRC Board
55 09/15/1985 T&DOktoberallye Bill Jonesi BMW CCA
54 09/08/1985 T&DCalifornia Cooler Dave Graubart
53 09/07/1985 CMPrisoner, The Bob Schott
52 08/17/1985 T&DRallye Day '85: A Drive in the Country Steve Beuerman
51 08/17/1985 CMRallye Day '85: BB's Strike Three Larry Friedrich
50 08/11/1985 MonteQuest for Zeros Chris Moore
49 08/03/1985 ABMaze IV, The Bill Jonesi
48 07/14/1985 PanAmView to a Rallye, A Frank Wirsch
47 07/04/1985 PhotoFirecracker Foto III Mark Oldham
46.5 1985-6/85T&D Stick Map Rallye (After Mtg) Bill Jonesi
 46 06/15/1985 CMShelock Holmes Greatest Rallye  John Kleder, Harry Mills  
45 06/01/1985 CMWelcome to the Machine Willie Lynch
44 05/04/1985 CMCarman Steve Berger
 43 04/06/1985 CM501 Blues Brian Finney Club 501
42 03/02/1985 CM A-Team Returns, TheHarry Mills, John Kleder Club 501
41 02/02/1985 CM2010: A Rallye Oddity Dave Graubart
40 01/05/1985 CMCar Trek III: Search for Schott Bob Schott


 Date TypeEvent Name Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
39 11/10/1984 CMOne Moore Turkey Rallye Chris Moore  
38 10/26/1984 CMMonster Mash '84 Frank Wirsch, Mark Robichek
37 08/11/1984 CMIndiana Jonesi & Rallye of Doom Bill Jonesi, Chris Moore
36 07/04/1984 PhotoFirecracker Foto II Mark Oldham
35 06/30/1984 MonteMonte Carlo Fahrt Schnell Gary Kerchner
34 06/10/1984 AB/CMGold Rush '84 Stu Helfer, John Fabela
33 04/14/1984 CMA-Team, The John Kleder, Harry Mills
32 02/10/1984 CMCabbage Patch Rallye, The Dave Graubart
31 01/22/1984 T&D/TSuper Bowl Rallye III Bill Jonesi, Mark Oldham


 Date TypeEvent Name Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
30 10/28/1983 CMMonster Mash '83 Frank Wirsch, Mark Robichek
29 09/11/1983 CMDungeon (rethrow) John Fabela
28 07/09/1983 CMDungeon John Fabela
27 07/04/1983 PhotoFirecracker Foto I Mark Oldham
26 06/04/1983 T&DJune Jaunt John Clever
25 05/22/1983 SCCAcAftershock 0.5 - SCCA Div Greg Ravenscroft SCCA-SFR
24 05/21/1983 SCCAcEarthquake 5.0 - SCCA Natl Bill Jonesi SCCA-SFR
23 05/07/1983 CMSilicon Rallye II Ron Capener FTC
22 04/02/1983 T&D/TRand McRallye II Frank Wirsch, Mark Robichek NC 510
21 03/05/1983 CMRevenge Of The Gemmi Steve Berger FTC
20 02/05/1983 T&D/TRallye According To Garp, The Dave Graubart NC 510
19 01/30/1983 VarSuper Bowl Rallye II Frank Wirsch


 Date TypeEvent Name Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
18 12/03/1982 T&D/TSkyline Never Forgets (IV) Jerry Mattson NC 510
17 10/02/1982 T&D/TBalsam I Tim Winker NC 510
16 08/07/1982 T&DSummertime Sundae II Steve Sharp NC 510
15 07/17/1982 AB-CFCar Trek II (The Wrath Of Beuerman) Steve Beuerman FTC
14 06/05/1982 T&D/TRand McRallye Frank Wirsch, Mark Robichek NC 510
13 05/23/1982 SCCAcAftershock 0.4 - SCCA Div Keith McMahan SCCA-SFR
12 05/22/1982 SCCAcEarthquake 4.0 - SCCA Div Bill Jonesi, Steve Sharp SCCA-SFR
11 05/15/1982 CMSilicon Rallye Ron Capener TTSCC
10 04/03/1982 T&DSkyline III Jerry Mattson NC 510
9 02/06/1982 T&D/TRed River Rallye Dave Graubart NC 510
8 01/24/1982 T&D/TSuper Bowl Rallye I (Eagle's Flight III) Bill Jonesi, Mark Oldham
8 01/10/1982 T&D/TExcursion Harriet Gittings FTC


 Date TypeEvent Name Rallyemaster(s) (Co)Sponsor
6 12/05/1981 T&DSkyline's Revenge (II) Jerry Mattson NC 510
5 10/03/1981 T&DRallye Street Blues Frank Wirsch, Mark Robichek NC 510
4 08/01/1981 T&D/TRaiders Of The Lost CP Steve Beuerman NC 510
3 06/06/1981 T&D/TSummertime Sundae Steve Sharp NC 510
2.5 04/15/1981 T&D/TNever Give A Sucker (After Mtg) Bill Jonesi
2 04/04/1981 T&DDer Truthahn Rob Thomas SCCA-SFR
1 02/07/1981 T&DSkyline's Last Gleaming (I) Jerry Mattson, Thom Mallard SCCA-SFR


Rallye Types

AB A-B (multi-part RI) gimmick rallye
AB-CF A-B (multi-part RI) gimmick rallye with SCCA Natl Course-Following concepts
CM Coursemarker gimmick rallye
H&H Hare & Hounds gimmick rallye
Monte Monte Carlo timed rallye
PanAm Pan Am (map/known true time Monte Carlo) timed rallye
PC Pan Carlo (map/average speed Monte Carlo) timed rallye
Photo Photo gimmick rallye
QA Question-Answer gimmick rallye
SCCAc Sports Car Club of America Natl or Div COURSE (trap) rallye
SCCAt Sports Car Club of America Natl or Div TOUR (non-trap) rallye
T&D Time and Distance (generally non-trap) timed rallye
T&D/T Time and Distance trap timed rallye
Var Variety (Gimmick) rallye

Car Clubs

ARL Associated Ralliests Limited (Sacramento TSD club)
BAMA Bay Area Miata Association
BMW CCA BMW Car Club Association
Club 501 Local Gimmick Rallye Club
EDTC El Dorado Touring Club
ESCA Empire Sports Car Assocation
FIAT Fiat America
FTC Fremont Touring Club
GGLC Golden Gate Lotus Club
ItNRT Into the Night Rally Team
Jensen Jensen Car Club
MG MG Owners Club
NC 510 Northern California (Datsun) 510 Association
NCSCC Northern California Sports Car Council
Paradox Local Gimmick Rallye Club
PCA-GGR Posrche Club of America - Golden Gate Regin
PCA-LPR Porsche Club of America - Loma Prieta Region
PCA-RR Porsche Club of America - Redwood Region
PCA-SGV Porsche Club of America - San Gabriel Valley
PCA-SVR Porsche Club of America - Sacramento Valley Region
PCA-YR Porsche Club of America - Yosemite Region
SCCA-ABR Sports Car Club of America - Arizona Border Region
SCCA-OR Sports Car Club of America - Oregon Region
SCCA-SFR Sports Car Club of America - San Francisco Region
Subaru Subaru Club
TTSCC Triumph Travellers Sports Car Club
ZONC (Datsun/Nissan) Z Owners of Northern California
2nd Gen (Volkswagen) Second Generation Owners Club

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Last updated: 03/04/25.