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Online general meeting
1st Tue, 04/01/2025 - 6:30p PT
A Periodic Rallye
1st Sat, 04/05/2025 - 11:00a PT
Online general meeting
1st Tue, 05/06/2025 - 6:30p PT

Check out our email announcement and discussion lists


The Rallye Club of Silicon Valley, or TRC, is a non-profit California corporation that presents car rallyes in the San Francisco Bay Area, mostly in Santa Clara county. It was founded in 1980 and has presented over 450 events.

TRC organizational structure:

TRC appointed positions:

These folks help keep the organization running.  We're always looking for volunteers to help out in these roles:
  • Competition Director - Assures rallyes have adequate prechecking; negotiates between prechecker and rallyemaster, if needed; supervises protest committee.
  • Equipment Chair - Stores and maintains Marker tools, Checkpoint & gimmick signs, etc.
  • Awards Committee - Designs and orders awards, designs and produces participation plaques (magnets).
  • Database Chair - Updates database of members and rallyists; prepares address lists for paper mailings.
  • Insurance Chair - Assures we have insurance for every rallye. Our liaison to our insurance company.
  • Publicity Chair - Examines possible avenues for getting more rallye attendance: more first time rallyists, more first timers returning, more experienced rallyist turnout.
  • Webmaster - Maintains the website, coordinates postings for our online presence, including Facebook postings.
  • Financial Reviewer - Verifies that we have in our accounts the funds we should.

What we offer:

  • Membership, open to anyone with an interest in the sport of car rallyes. See Membership.
  • Car rallyes of various types, open to the public, with a discount for members. See The Calendar.

To contact us:

To participate:

  • Join, get info about, or unsubscribe from one of our email lists:
    trc-business Club business discussion list
    trc-events Announcements from TRC for in-person and online events
    trc-local Announcements from TRC for local in-person events only
    trc-precheck Rallye pre-checker volunteers
    trc-rm Rallyemasters discussion list
    trc-talk General discussion (anything about rallyes, TRC, etc.) list
    trc-web Website issues discussion list
    trc-workers Checkpoint, precheck, and other volunteer workers discussion list

    You must be a subscriber of the a list to be able to send a message to that list (keeps the spammers away).

Policies and Practices:

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 Copyright 2002-2025, The Rallye Club
For problems or questions regarding this Web site contact us.
Last updated: 03/04/25.