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Online general meeting
1st Tue, 01/07/2025 - 6:30p PT
Life of Larry Rallye
1st Sat, 02/01/2025 - 11:00a PT
Online general meeting
1st Tue, 02/04/2025 - 6:30p PT

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-I am grateful that I will not have to navigate or drive or get lost on
Bodfish Caliente Rd. at high speed again.

-I am grateful that I will not have to eat in Baker again.

-Over 19 or 20 years of participation, I have had six navigators - three
women, three men.  I am grateful for all of them so that I could participate
in Starlite.  Of course, some of the navigators, did not participate.

-I am grateful that no one ever got sick in our car.

-I am grateful that over 19 or 20 years of participation, I received only
one ticket and had only one minor accident (Potrero Rd. near the Oxnard
Plain). Re: that ticket I got... don't forget the poor blokes that decided to go
around the closed RR crossing gate, got stopped by the CHP officer that was
citing me and had to wait 20 minutes for a new ticket book to be delivered.

Starlite 19??

Indy 500 style start in Cima or Kelso after waiting 25 minutes for the train
to clear the crossing. Four cars, side-by-side, driving through town.  If
you want to call it a town.

Starlite 1998

"Hey Henry, what's this light on the instrument cluster indicate.  See if
the owner's manual is in the glove box."  "It's says it comes on when the
outside air temperature drops below 36 degrees and there is a chance of
snow."  "Lot's of stars out tonight."

I believe it is about 7AM when Henry says, "Norman aren't you supposed to be
on the other side of the road."

Starlite 1999

It's a good thing I passed those snowplows on California 33 north of Ojai.

Starlite 2000

19 or 20 years of Starlite to trophy. What an ending to an annual tradition.
I will miss the craziness, tension, pushing the vehicle, the navigation and
orienteering..  Most of all I will miss the annual gathering of friends and


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Last updated: 12/10/24.