Sept 17, 2003 TRC General Meeting minutes
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September 17, 2003 TRC General Meeting minutes

·         Called to order at 1939.

Members present: Teresa and Nick Stefanisko; Nancy Hanna; Steve Watt; Bill Jonesi; Pete Soper; Jeff Trimble; Darin and Michelle McGrew

Agenda for current meeting:  Approved

Minutes from last meeting:  Approved

Officer’s reports


No Report

Vice President

No Report


No Report


(Acting treasurer)

·         Current financials:

·         Over $1k in the treasury!

·         Beginning balance $725.40

·         Revenue 8/20-9/17 $1007

·         $316 Lunacy, $250 in-person registration, $66 via PayPal

·         Unknown Hill & Valley

·         $541 Harry Potter, 25 cars (no breakdown yet) for $465 deposit, $56 members via PayPal, $40 1 renewal and 1 membership at the start

·         $150 from former treasurer

·         Expenses $612.92

·         $2.13 PayPal fees for entries (3 @ $0.71)

·         $47.59 Promo par plaques (first shown at Lunafest)

·         $115 to John F. for Lunacy expenses

·         $35.69 Par plaques for Italian Rob

·         $135 Insurance for Harry Potter

·         $24.83 Par plaques for Harry Potter

·         $54.50 Awards for Harry Potter

·         $135 Insurance for Monster Mash

·         $63.18 to John F. for PayPal entries

·         Balance: $1,119.48

·         Upcoming expenses

·         $54.50 Awards for Monster Mash

·         ~$25 Par Plaques for Monster Mash

·         ~$74 Stamps for late Sept mailing (~200 pcs)


Insurance chair

Not Present


Marketing chair

Not Present


NCSCC Representative

No report


Last Event(s) Report

Hill & Valley

·         11 cars, OK turnout considering location and light advertising



·         Decent turnout.  Stu’s first gimmick rallye in about 20 years.  John F. wants to do it again next year.


Harry Potter

·         Scoring error displaced 3rd place beginner, making duplicate awards for the car that should’ve gotten it.  Went well, maybe a little bit long.


Next Event(s) Report

·         October = Teresa, Monster Mash

·         Teresa will be out of town 9/20-9/29.

·         Rallye is ready

·         Finish location pending Boardwalk’s construction status.  Various Round Tables, etc. discussed as alternatives.

·         Abby to work CP

·         Nov = Darin, Two Ringy-dingy.

·         Prechecked by Abby & Glen, also by Bill, Tom & Krissy.

·         Needs some critique work

·         Glen & Abby to work CP

·         Need cell phone

·         6 Dec = Paradox.  Dave G to maybe precheck?  Nick & Teresa can precheck.

·         7 Dec = Toy Rallye, basically done.

·         Jan 2004 = Paradox.

·         Feb ’04 = Abby – Return of the Rallye to Middle Earth (membership rallye)

·         Mar ’04 = Darin, Spring Brake

·         Apr ’04 = Stefaniskos “Clue”

·         May ’04 = Cris

·         Jun ’04 = Bess’s


Open Dates

·         7/04 and on…


Old Business

·         No payment from previous treasurer

·         Gimmick rallye guides need editing.  Bill to contact Bob S. about some gimmick guides for the Rallye School the afternoon of Monster Mash.

·         Had a report of someone outside at the finish with the critique and a cell phone.  Need to keep an eye on this.


New Business

·         Our Operating Procedures are outdated.  Bill to propose updates.

·         Election upcoming:  Nominating committee will convene after board meeting on 9/17, secretary to send invitation to nominate to the TRC mailing list.

·         Rallyemaster etiquette:  People working registration really need a copy of the rallye some amount of time before the start time so they can review it, to compensate for the time spent.

·         Need a rallyemaster section on the web site, discussion of details for the Web subcommittee.

·         Annual championship for TRC?  Should we do something like a gimmick rallye championship for TRC?  Bill suggested (with general consensus) that we instead resurrect the points keeping for the NCSCC series.

·         Mailing last week of Sept, need Monster Mash 2003, Rallye school on 10/4, Moonlight Monte & Great American Tour AB, 2 Ringy Ding, Toy Rallye, Paradox’ 6 Dec.

·         Proposed raising membership fee to $25.  General consensus against.  Merchandising is a better way, Nick suggested Café Press.


Upcoming Events

10/4 Gimmick rallye school

10/4 Monster Mash 2003

10/5 Great American Tour, Sonoma

10/11 Moonlight Monte, Burlingame




Next Meeting

Wednesday, 15 October, 1930, at Round Table Pizza, 860 Old San Francisco Rd.

Adjourned at 2049


Respectfully submitted,

Steve Watt

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