August 20, 2003 TRC General Meeting minutes
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August 20, 2003 TRC General Meeting minutes

·         Called to order at 1946.

Members present: Teresa, Zak, and Nick Stefanisko; Nancy Hanna; Steve Watt; Bill Jonesi; Casey Kobyluk; Pete Soper; Jeff Trimble; Abby Grossman; Darin and Michelle McGrew

Agenda for current meeting:  Approved with amendment (date)

Minutes from last meeting:  Approved

Officer’s reports


Two TRC teams competed in Road Not Taken, had a good time, won nothing.

Vice President

No Report


No Report


(Acting treasurer)

·         Current financials:

·         Beginning balance $435.71

·         August revenue to date $723(!)

·         $658 from Italian Rob, 19 members (7 via PayPal), 19 non-members

·         $65 membership renewals, 2 primary, one associate, 1 via PayPal

·         August expenses $434.54

·         $4.97 PayPal fees for entries

·         $0.88 PayPal fee for membership

·         $54.50 awards for Italian Rob

·         $135 Insurance for Lunacy

·         $239.12 Yearly Insurance

·         $1.23 in test income from Dave G. for PayPal bringup

·         Balance: $725.40

·         Upcoming expenses

·         Harry Potter insurance ($135)


Insurance chair

Not Present


Marketing chair

Not Present


NCSCC Representative

No report


Last Event(s) Report

Italian Rob

·         38 cars, 19 members, 19 non-members

·         On average, people seemed to have fun, but a lot of protests.  Results being held for critique summary.  Markers are still up.

·         Finish location wound up being a bit ugly due to construction.


Next Event(s) Report

·         Aug 23 = Lunafest booth.

·         Nick, Teresa, and Bill can work booth.

·         Bring little TV to run the BABR episode, and maybe some other car-related stuff.

·         Bring reprints of the BABR transcript brochure.

·         Par plaques @ booth with TRC logo and web site.

·         Bring “interesting” cars (if we have room)?

·         John to make T-shirts for all booth workers.  Size info delivered.

·         Aug 23 = Lunacy

·         Stu, Pete, and Bill and John to precheck.

·         Need CP workers, awards.

·         Aug 24 = Hill & Valley.

·         Needs crew, maybe from Santa Rosa.  Pete will be helping.  Need two more people.

·         3 timing kits

·         Finish @ Andretti Winery

·         Awards?  Maybe just wine or something.

·         Bill’s done par plaques

·         Sept = Dave G., Steve and Nancy have prechecked.

·         Oct = Teresa, Monster Mash.  Teresa will be out of town 9/20-9/29, Cris did precheck, corrections pending.

·         Nov = Darin, Two Ringy-dingy.  Prechecked by Abby & Glen, also by Bill, Tom & Krissy.

·         6 Dec = Paradox?

·         7 Dec = Toy Rallye, done.

·         FTC no longer carries insurance, so can’t sponsor.  Golden Gate Lotus is OK (need to verify).

·         Jan 2004 = (open, maybe won’t do one, it’s 3 Jan)

·         Feb ’04 = Abby – Return of the Rallye to Middle Earth (membership rallye)

·         Mar ’04 = Darin, Spring Brake

·         Apr ’04 = Stefaniskos “Clue”

·         May ’04 = Cris

·         Jun ’04 = Bess’s


Open Dates

·         1/04, 7/04 and on…


Old Business

·         Received a payment from previous treasurer(!)

·         Bob Schott might be able to come up with a bunch of Gimmick Rallye Guides, but they need new front pages.  Substantial discussion of possible contents and updates.


New Business

·         PCA & SCCA may do rallye in Yreka area in May (weekend before Memorial Day).

·         Discussion about whether we should encourage social chatter on the TRC mailing list, generally decided to leave as-is.


Upcoming Events

8/23 Lunafest

8/23 Lunacy CM rallye in Oakland

8/24 Hill & Valley rallye starting in Marin.

9/6 Harry Potter and the Order of the Precedence.

9/13 SF Treasure Hunt – Anyone want to play?



Neil & Melody took 5th open, 20th out of 50 cars total at the Gorman Ridge CRS rally.

Next Meeting

Wednesday, 17 September, 1930, at Round Table Pizza, 860 Old San Francisco Rd.

Adjourned at 2056


Respectfully submitted,

Steve Watt

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