Jul 15, 2003 TRC General Meeting minutes
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July 15, 2003 TRC General Meeting minutes

·         Called to order at 1946.

Members present: Bill Jonesi, Casey Kobyluk, Pete Soper, Jeff Trimble, Cris Wendt, John Fabela, Darin McGrew, Michelle McGrew, Nick Stefanisko, Zak Stefanisko, Teresa Stefanisko, Nancy Hanna, Steve Watt

Agenda for current meeting:  Approved

Minutes from last meeting:  Approved

Officer’s reports


Jane & Pete did rather badly on the last rallye (5th of 5…)

Vice President

The web improvement group has been meeting via email, and some people have volunteered for projects:  Darin has What’s a Rallye, Teresa is expanding the school rallye critique.


No Report


·         Former treasurer is now three months behind despite several reminders.

·         Current financials:

·         Beginning balance $639.50 (amended)

·         July revenue $42

·         $20 new member

·         $25 from Paradox for mailing inclusion, less $3 for copying expense

·         July expenses

·         $111 Stamps for July mailing

·         $135 Insurance for August

·         Balance: $435.50

·         Upcoming expenses (approximate) ~ $300

·         Yearly insurance payment $300 ($8.45 per “active member”)

·         Next revenue event is August 2

·         Agree that the active member count is the highest member turnout at a single event.

·         T&D checkpoint kits not being worked on without input from former treasurer

·         Still awaiting word from Boardwalk about reimbursement policy.  Communication slow due to vacation and restaurant closure for remodeling.


Insurance chair

·         New policy is in effect:  $8.45 per active member and $135 per event.

·         Asking for coverage clarity from Claudia Quinlivan (ESCA), esp. non-members participating in a member car, and damage to non-rallye participants.


Marketing chair

·         Email discussions on web site, mainly improvements on rallye guide and electronic registration capabilities

·         PayPal update – registration process commenced for commerce account.  Need to wait 2-3 days for confirmation of deposit.  Fees are 2.9% plus $0.30 per transaction to receive $.  We should be able to accept credit cards for payment as well.  Merchant tools are available for adding buttons to our website for rallye registration, membership, maybe hats/shirts if/when we make them available.  Tools also available for making shipping documents and tracking info.


NCSCC Representative

·         No report


Last Event(s) Report

Marker Reloaded

·         Surprisingly large turnout (28 cars)

·         Generally well received.  Some of the more complex things that were covered in the school really seemed to have helped.


Next Event(s) Report

·         Aug 2 = Jeff, Italian Rob, not quite done, needs precheck next week.  Abby & Glen for CP?  Larry F. for precheck?  Cris can precheck as last resort.


·         Aug 23 = Lunafest booth.

·         Nick, Teresa, and Cris can work booth.  Cris to arrange schedule of workers.

·         Bring little TV to run the BABR episode, and maybe some other car-related stuff.

·         Bring reprints of the BABR transcript brochure.

·         Par plaques @ booth with TRC logo and web site.

·         Bring “interesting” cars (if we have room)?

·         John to make T-shirts for all booth workers.

·         Aug 23 = Lunacy

·         Stu, Pete, and Bill to precheck.

·         Need CP workers, awards.

·         Aug 24 = Hill & Valley.

·         Needs crew, maybe from Santa Rosa.  Pete will be helping.

·         3 timing kits

·         Finish @ Andretti Winery

·         Awards?  Maybe just wine or something.

·         Sept = Dave G., Steve and Nancy to precheck.

·         Oct = Teresa, Monster Mash

·         Nov = Darin, Two Ringy-dingy, half written

·         7 Dec = Toy Rallye, done.

·         FTC no longer carries insurance, so can’t sponsor.  Golden Gate Lotus is OK.

·         Jan ‘04 = Abby

·         Feb ’04 = ? (Bess’ with separate chairperson, maybe?)

·         Mar ’04 = Darin

·         Apr ’04 = Stefaniskos “Clue”

·         May ’04 = Cris

·         Jun ’04 = Bess’


Open Dates

·         2/04, 7/04 and on…


Old Business

·         Proposal to set price on T&D from June brought back up.  Prefer to price on a case-by-case basis rather than a listed price.  General agreement that the flexibility is important, and also agreement that the pricing should be somewhat higher since the insurance cost is higher.


New Business

·         There’ll be a T&D rallye school the afternoon of 8/2

·         Gimmick school replay afternoon of 10/4.  Discussion subgroup to form.


Upcoming Events

8/2 T&D Rallye school

8/2 Italian Rob

8/23 Lunafest

8/23 Lunacy CM rallye in Oakland

8/24 Hill & Valley rallye starting in Marin.




Next Meeting

Wednesday, 20 August, 1930, at Round Table Pizza, 860 Old San Francisco Rd.

Adjourned at 2057


Respectfully submitted,

Steve Watt

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