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1st Tue, 09/07/2021 - 6:30p PT
Talk Like a Pirate Rallye
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General meeting
1st Tue, 10/05/2021 - 6:30p PT

Critique – CM School Rallye

RI CM# Pts. Reason
CP 1 +10 There was a "√." sign at the start. You should have entered the checkpoint at the start.
CP 6 +10 Did you remember to say "rubber baby buggy bumpers" three times?
A 13 +10 You should have recorded the good CM at the start.
I 10 +10 RIs come into effect when you complete (execute or delete) the numerically preceding RI. But there was no numerically preceding RI to bring RI 1 into effect. Continue past Diane.
Q 16 +10 Part 1 of Supp 10 told you to DRI. However, you couldn't DRI ("delete the RI in effect") because there was no RI currently in effect. Continue past CM I 10.
2 Z 21 +10 The word "Beverley" (note spelling) did not appear on a sign at Beverly, so you could not do RI 2 there.
2 O 19 +10 The GIs told you that Supps have numbered part(s). However, Supp 21 had lettered parts, so either it was not a valid Supp, or it had no valid parts. Either way, continue past CM Z 21.
3 L 24 +10 Both Note A and RI 3 were in effect and could be done at the same time and place. According to the Order of Precedence in the GIs, Note A has higher priority, so you should do it.
4 G 22 –10 Fish: There is no reason to continue past Concord. Rallyemasters often include a few bad CMs like this one just to catch rallyists who "fish around" for CMs.
5 N 11 +10 The GIs did define Chance, but the Miscellany section told you not to take any chances. Therefore, you could not do RI 5.
5 U 19 +20 The GIs told you that North and its abbreviation N do not exist on signs, and that CMs are signs with a letter and a number. An "11" sign is not a valid CM, so continue past CM N 11.
Note: CM N 11 and CM U 19 are an impossible combination: There is no reason to ever record both. Therefore, recording both is worth 0 pts.
6 D 15 +10 The meeting of First and Amherst was not an intersection as defined in the GIs (you could proceed in only one direction). Since a turn instruction could be done only in an intersection, you could not do RI 6 there. However, you could do RI 6 at the parallel "Amherst" sign at Amherst and Second. (This is an example of a "forced turn" gimmick combined with a "parallel sign" gimmick.)
6/7 J 23 +10 The word "3rd" did not appear on a sign at Third, so you could not do RI 7 there. If you got the "forced turn" gimmick on RI 6 but didn't realize you could do RI 6 at the parallel street sign for CM D 15, then you continued on Amherst for this CM, which got you back in sync with everyone else.
8 P 14 +10 Did you remember to turn on Boston for the Bonus (Boston Tea Party, 1773)?
8 V 14 +10 The Bonus remained in effect, and you were still at Boston while working on Supp 14 (after recording CM P 14). Do the Bonus again at Boston and Third since it had higher priority than part 2 of Supp 14. Then do part 2 of Supp 14 at Third and Concord. (This is an example of a "hanging Supp" gimmick.)
8 B 12 +10 An on-course CM which everyone should have recorded.
9 K 17 +10 The GIs told you that completing (executing or deleting) an instruction using the word "ONTO" puts you on the road by name. Executing RI 8 put you onto Everett. Therefore, U to remain onto Everett when it changes to William at the forced turn.
9 R 17 +10 Expert Gimmick: The GIs told you that completing (executing or deleting) an instruction using the word "ONTO" puts you on the road by name. Part 3 of Supp 17 tells you to CRI 9, which deletes all lower numbered RIs, including RI 8. When you delete RI 8, you complete it again, which puts you back onto Everett. Therefore, U to remain onto Everett again.
9 C 24 +10 The GIs defined T, but not Tee. The word "Tee" did not appear on a sign at Danvers, so you could not do RI 9 there.
10 H 14 +10 Note A remained in effect, so you should have turned on Richard again.
10 Y 24 +10 The GIs told you not to travel on Merritt until you recorded CM Y, so you should U at Danvers and Merritt.
11 X 18 +10 Part 2 of Supp 24 deleted RI 10, bringing RI 11 into effect. You could do RI 11 early at Danvers and Diane.
11 CP 2 +30 You should have entered the on-course checkpoint on Merritt.
11 CP 7 +10 Did you remember to say "rubber baby buggy bumpers" three times?
250 Perfect Score!

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Last updated: 08/13/21.