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General Instructions – CM School RallyeSI: Hello and welcome to the CM School Rallye, based on a school rallye written by Rich Peterson of ZONC, since updated by Bill Jonesi, Teresa Stefanisko, and Darin McGrew. Please fill out the top section of your score sheet before you leave the start. Please take your time and carefully read everything given to you. There are no gimmicks on capitalization, punctuation, or spacing anywhere. There are no gimmicks on spelling or pluralization in the GIs. End SI. DEFINITIONSUndefined terms take on their standard English meanings.
INSTRUCTIONS & ORDER OF PRECEDENCEIf you can do two or more instructions of different priority at the same time and place, then do the instruction of higher priority first. The order of precedence is as follows, from highest to lowest:
ROUTEAll roads used will be paved and public. Driveways and parking lots exist only at the start and at the finish. When instructed to U, make the U at a safe and legal place but consider it made where instructed. Completing an instruction using the word "ONTO" puts you on the road by name. When onto, remain on the road by that name until instructed NLORBN, even if you must U to do so. SIGNSOnly government-erected and rallye-erected signs are valid for this rallye. Do not look behind you to see any signs. Do not split words. Instructions using the word "AT" can be executed only where everything that follows "AT" in the instruction appears on a sign. The exception to the preceding sentence is that when "T" follows "AT" in the instruction, it refers to a T as defined. Additional words, numbers, or symbols do not invalidate a sign. The words North, South, East, West, and their abbreviations do not exist on signs. COURSEMARKERS (CMs)CMs are rallye-erected signs with a single letter and a number, like the valid CM at the start. CMs will be similar to the good CM at the start. When you encounter a valid CM, record the CM by writing its number next to the corresponding letter on your score sheet. After you record a CM, take out of effect any uncompleted Supp parts that may be in effect from a previous CM, then bring into effect the Supp or SI on the Supp/SI page that corresponds to the number of the CM you just recorded. Record each CM no more than once. Don't travel on Merritt until you record CM Y. CHECKPOINTS (CPs)CPs will be identified by a rallye-erected sign similar to the "√." sign at the start. When you encounter a checkpoint, enter it by handing your score sheet to the CP personnel and saying "rubber baby buggy bumpers" three times. MISCELLANYBefore turning in your score sheet, answer the tiebreakers at the bottom of your score sheet. The finish opens at 9:00 PM and closes at 10:00 PM. If you disagree with the gimmicks as explained in the critique, you can file a protest. All protests must be turned in by 10:15 PM, must be printed, and must include your car number, your class, the problem, and the desired resolution. Honored protests may affect an individual car, an entire class, or the entire rallye. Gimmicks may be hidden among these administrative details, so read this section carefully. Don't take any chances. Good luck, and enjoy the rallye!